Designer and Client



Eight Boat Design Commissions, from Kayak to Cruiser. If you have ever entertained the idea of designing a boat, or having a boat designed for you, then add this new book to yourmust read list. You'll experience the collaborative process between designer Tony Dias and 8 boat-savvy clientsEach...
Eight Boat Design Commissions, from Kayak to Cruiser. If you have ever entertained the idea of designing a boat, or having a boat designed for you, then add this new book to yourmust read list. You'll experience the collaborative process between designer Tony Dias and 8 boat-savvy clientsEach client was given the opportunity to see their ideal boat come to life on paper. Kind of like winningthe dream-boat lottery, albeit, without the getting the finished boat. . Clients & Designs: Peter Chesworth, photographer / circulation manager for The Boatmanmagazine; cruising coastal sailor. Jenny Bennett, former editor for WoodenBoat magazine; daysailer. John & Dee Deegan, globe-trottingsailors; an ocean-passage-making sailboat. Jeff Halpern, go-fast sailor; a cruiser-racer. Bill Page; a moderate-sized cruising sailboat. Gordon Swift; double Headsail Sloop. Peter Spectre, WoodenBoat magazine contributing editor and editor of this, as well as many other books; a motor-cruiser with auxiliary sail. And Mike O'Brien,WoodenBoat magazine editor, publisher of Boat Design Quarterly,and paddler; a sea kayak. . Naval architect Antonio Dias is a professional designer, with many custom commissions to his credit, as well as a collection of stock designs. . by Antonio Dias150 pp. , softcover9 x 11"ISBN # 0-937822-51-5


Antonio Dias
149 pages
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Wooden Boat Publications

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