Specifications for Custom Logos and Banners

We require that your images are prepared to the following specifications...

This is important to do correctly. Any discrepancies will delay your order.

         • We cannot use web graphics for large format printing

         • All images must be at least 300dpi, preferrably 400dpi. 
           dpi=dots per inch. Web graphics are 72dpi, which is unacceptable for large format printing

         • Images should be TIF, PSD, or minimally compressed JPG format.
           compressed images will show digital artifacts and may appear slightly to very distorted

         • If we are creating a banner for you, have your artwork prepared professionally, or
           send us each graphic element separately so that we can edit and/or work with it.

Remember, preparing and printing a 9 feet wide, 4 foot high banner is much more computer intensive than creating a web graphic. Any prep you can do beforehand will help facilitate the process greatly.


  • Any questions? Contact Robert



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